Performance Appraisal Instructions and Planning Notes

This is a structured approach to performance appraisal and the 13 steps for managers to conduct appraisal processes including:-

  • Scheduling timeline
  • Gathering feedback – different types
  • Planning aspects
  • Pre-appraisal checklist
  • Conduct notes and suggestions
  • Plus, much more



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New Employee Details Form

This form features what comprehensive information companies need to have from new employee such as: -personal details (name, DOB, address etc) pay details, tax details, superannuation, employee details for award and classification, commencement date, salary and allowances, tenure, and leave loading aspects.


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Official Warning Letter

This letter is formatted so it can be utilised as a first, second or third and final warning letter to an employee who is having performance or conduct issues. These can be listed, then details regarding the requirements for continued successful employment, details of employee responses, review dates (if any apply), and warning of termination if unsuccessful in changing employee performance or conduct.
