Our Services


Human Resources

Performance Management

Workplace Health & Safety

Employee Assistance Programs

Training & Development


Services to Help Build Your Team

Human Resource Management

Organised and structured Human Resource development programs actively support the growth and sustainability of your business. Furthermore, risks and obstacles are mitigated – leaving businesses free to pursue growth. We offer scalable services to meet your business needs today.

Performance Management

Did you know that less than half of your workforce is working at peak productivity and costing you money daily? Help is available from Performance Advantage. We will undertake a thorough and fair investigation, analysis and diagnostic process and provide recommendations to support your business success.

Workplace Health and Safety

Breaches of OHS legislation incur hefty fines. Performance Advantage reduces the stress, risks, time and costs associated with managing the OHS function in your business, protecting your profit and keeping your staff safe at work.

Training and Development

As we have a passion to develop talent and support organisational productivity, Performance Advantage has a range of training and development programs purpose built to support small to medium business – particularly front-line managers.

Employee Assistance Programs

Performance Advantage Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) supports your team when they need to overcome challenges in their personal lives, and helps them return to full productivity.

Benefits of our Employee Assistance Program include:

  • Reduced costly absenteeism
  • Reduced staff losses
  • Better work performance from individuals who use our EAP service
  • Less time spent by managers on employees’ personal problems
  • Resolution of performance management issues
  • Resolution of colleague conflict or dysfunctional relationships


Find the right people for your business! Performance Advantage offers a full recruitment service. We can take care of your recruitment from start to finish for you – saving you time and ensuring the fit with your team and job role.