Health and Safety Induction Checklist

This thorough checklist relates to various WHS risks identified and control measures to be utilised by employees such as:

  • Staff identified as this checklist relates to
  • Safety Policies and Processes
  • Risk Assessments
  • Risk Management
  • Hazard and Incident reporting
  • Emergency procedures


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First Day Letter – New Employee


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This letter is formatted so it can be utilised as a first, second or third and final warning letter to an employee who is having performance or conduct issues. These can be listed, then details regarding the requirements for continued successful employment, details of employee responses, review dates (if any apply), and warning of termination if unsuccessful in changing employee performance or conduct.


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Get protection for your business with a clear legal letter that properly explains the abandonment of employment situation, definitions and actions required and taken. Features a complete policy and letter to the employee.


Exit Interview Template

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